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Twaddle in the ‘Three Million Houses’ Program Why Many Are Dropping Their Mortgages

Oleh by Eko B. Supriyanto
Sumber : Istimewa

Sumber : Istimewa

FREE Houses. Free Houses. This has been the message the government promoted since launching the Three Million Houses program. Unfortunately, behind the promise of o£ering free homes to the public, this new initiative has shocked many property developers, as numerous buyers have canceled their house orders and in some cases, are unable to retrieve already paid down payments, hoping instead to receive a free house.

In early November 2024, Minister for Public Housing and Residential Areas (PUPR), Maruarar Sirait, alongside Agung Sedayu Group (ASG) founder Sugianto Kusuma (popularly known as Aguan), launched the “Three Million Houses” program. This ambitious project, covering an area of 2.5 hectares, has been supported by donations from PT Bumi Samboro Sukses, which was given to ASG for construction.

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