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Profiting from Distress: The Moral Hazard behind Extended Credit Restructuring!

There was no storm, no sudden change. All reports indicate that the banking sector is in good shape. Non-performing loans have reached a record low. Even the bank’s loan at risk (LAR), which has long haunted them, now resembles pre-COVID-19 levels. The latest Financial Services Authority (OJK) Commissioner Board meeting affirmed the banks’ strong and stable condition. Normal bank intermediation functions are performing impressively, evidenced by profits, dividend distributions, and significant bonuses and incentives. Meanwhile, restructuring efforts continue despite the government’s declaration of pandemic to endemic status.

Oleh Eko B. Supriyanto
Sumber : Istimewa

Sumber : Istimewa

There was no storm, no sudden change. All reports indicate that the banking sector is in good shape. Non-performing loans have reached a record low. Even the bank’s loan at risk (LAR), which has long haunted them, now resembles pre-COVID-19 levels. The latest Financial Services Authority (OJK) Commissioner Board meeting affirmed the banks’ strong and stable condition. Normal bank intermediation functions are performing impressively, evidenced by profits, dividend distributions, and significant bonuses and incentives. Meanwhile, restructuring efforts continue despite the government’s declaration of pandemic to endemic status.

Additionally, the Financial System Stability Commit[1]tee (KSSK) meeting results indicate the financial sector is stable and under control. Indonesia’s economic growth in Q1 2024 remains at 5.11%. Achieving over 5% economic growth post-COVID-19 is seen by the government as a re[1]markable feat amidst global economic downturns

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