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Prabowo Must Reassess Jokowi’s KW2 Economic Policies

Oleh Eko B. Supriyanto
Sumber : Istimewa

Sumber : Istimewa

IndonesIa’s economic growth over the past decade has been characterized as subpar quality, or often described as KW2, indicating a lower quality of economic expansion. This growth is frequently attributed to the extensive use of debt, which has become a significant factor in sustaining the economy. As the Prabowo administration prepares to take office, it is imperative that a thorough reassessment of Jokowi’s economic policies is undertaken.

Indonesia, despite its apparent divine favour, demonstrates remarkable resilience in the face of global economic turbulence, ongoing conflicts, escalating debt, frequent cabinet reshuffles, and extensive social aid distributions. The nation’s economic growth has consistently remained within the 4.9% to 5.3% range.

In the writer’s view, Indonesia is perceived as being under divine favour, continuously blessed despite experiencing growth of relatively poor quality. This growth, often described as KW2, is primarily driven by consumption rather than meaningful economic advancement. This has been accompanied by an alarming surge in national debt, which has skyrocketed from Rp2,600 trillion in 2014 to Rp8,338 trillion, an increase of over three times.

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